March 14, 2022
Big Wins, Impactful Cases, and Impressive Victories
March 1, 2022
Settled lawsuit on behalf of deaf employee of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
February 14, 2022
BGL wins a D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals case allowing the family of a man who fell to his death at a WMATA station to seek damages.
January 20, 2022
Favorable decision in Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals case ruled individuals with disabilities have the right to sue schools over discriminatory policies and practices.
December 20, 2021
Appeal vacated order that held blind employee was not a “prevailing party” in employment discrimination lawsuit against Montgomery County.
December 10, 2021
BGL attorneys settle FCPS disability rights case.
November 30, 2021
Inclusivity works with Access Ready to draft descriptions of the legal foundational requirements for digital accessibility.
November 11, 2021
Eve Hill and Inclusivity Strategic Consulting produced a report for Monroe County, Indiana.