- You and your prospective lawyer have to be committed to taking the time to prepare.
- You and your prospective lawyer have to seriously examine both the upside potential and the downside risk.
- You and your prospective lawyer must be prepared to utilize some resource to thoroughly investigate the facts.
- If the matter is being reported in the media, do you have a short-term and a long-term strategy?
- Does your prospective lawyer have a professional relationship with the judiciary/prosecution in the jurisdiction where the matter is pending?
- Have you discussed with your prospective lawyer what a typical jury looks like in a criminal case?
- Are you and your prospective lawyer able to meaningfully communicate? Efficiently? Effectively?
- Did your prospective lawyer explain and do you understand the defense strategy?
- Have you discussed with your prospective lawyer and your family the poise, patience, and trust needed by you for this experience?
- Have you discussed or are you prepared to discuss all facets of your background with your trusted advisor and lawyer?
Brown, Goldstein & Levy has some of the most experienced and skilled criminal defense lawyers in Maryland. Stu Simms was a career state and federal prosecutor, including serving two terms as State’s Lawyer for Baltimore City, Baltimore’s top prosecutor. Stu, Dan Goldstein, and Joshua Treem were Assistant U.S. Attorneys for four, six, and five years, respectively. Andy Levy is the former Chair of the Maryland State Bar Association’s Criminal Law and Practice Section.
Joshua and Stu have been listed in Best Lawyers in America in the Non-White-Collar Criminal Defense category and Joshua and Dan have been listed in Best Lawyers in America in the White-Collar Criminal Defense category. U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers® ranked Brown, Goldstein & Levy Baltimore Tier 1 in the Criminal Defense: Non-White-Collar and Criminal Defense: White-Collar categories of their “Best Law Firms” list.