Jean Zachariasiewicz panelist for "Qualified Immunity for Law Enforcement Officers- Abolishment vs. Preservation Panel Discussion"

Jean ZachariasiewiczWebinar flyer is a panelist for the upcoming discussion, “Qualified Immunity for Law Enforcement Officers- Abolishment vs. Preservation Panel Discussion”. The panel is hosted by the Federal Bar Association: Maryland Chapter, on October 14th at 6:00 – 7:30 pm EST.

The discussion will be moderated by Retired U.S. Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge and former Baltimore City Solicitor Andre M. Davis. Panelists will discuss the pros and cons of qualified immunity, whether it should be preserved or abolished and its impact on various populations in an informative and accessible manner for the public and legal community.

Register Online:–grTwsGdyU9xB_J32ZqoKRaBdisX1w 

  • Zoom Passcode: 512111